Wesley Dragonfire
Class Mage
Race High Elf
Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intellegence 19
Wisdom 14
Charisma 11
Comeliness 14
Sex Male
Description Wesley Dragonfire is a character that takes many by surpries, not that he's so powerful, but because he just isn't what people expect; he doesn't fit neatly into their stereotypes.

Wesley dresses in typical bard clothing. He wears loose fitting pants of satin in bright colors and a fine ruffled tunic. He wears a paisley vest when the weather is nice and a stylish leather trench coat when it's not. He usually wears a red beret with gold trim. When he goes out, he will always bring a fine walking stick with him, complete with a stilletto tip which is springloaded to retract with the press of a button in the handle.

Wesley is usually encountered with his familiar tagging behind, a black housecat which is a changeling that can transform into a jaguar at will.

Level 9
Hit Points 24
Story Wesley is a refined gentleman first. He is wed, but a well-known womanizer. His wife Duelle is well aware of this, but is unwilling to give up her comfortable income that the enjoys with Wesley. He has no children, and has no desire for them. His apprentices are his children to his way of thinking. He has a mistress named Contriess Saduct in his home on Lunelle, a forest moon of JERA. He spends much of his time there to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Wesley enjoys the finer things in life, and enjoys them often due to the success of his company Primal Force, the primary manufacturers of focal amulets. He took the idea of a magical item that was used to increase the flow of mana, the power behind magic, which was used by a mage named Ceremon Blackheart to aid his apprentices in learning the basics of magic. It allowed them to learn cantrips much faster as it made the initial harnessing of magic easy for the beginner. Wesley took the idea and created focal amulets, arcane jewelry that allowed a mage to cast one extra spell per day without tapping into their own life forces (a dangerous thing, to be sure). Sales of focal amulets have soared with the realization of many that with focal amulets a mage could pump out spells repetitively, and thus the volumage was born, a factory worker mage that creates things magical. This was they key to the magitech age. Its continuation relies very heavily upon the continued supply of focal amulets.

Wesley embraces magitech wholeheartedly, seeing it as the next frontier of human advancement. He owns a armored magimotive cart with all the luxuries, complete with his own driver, but he prefers to ride his magimotive cycle. It is really a symbol of who he is, a free spirit. He is well travelled, and owns his own small spelljammer. He can pilot it himself as well as provide the magimotive force to propel it. With the use of his focal amulets, he can outrun anything in the skies.

Wesley is a bit of a loner, a thinker. He spends his time in dusty tomes and deep in thought. He shows little interest for anything that is not magical in some way. His life is one of focus and devotion to his first love, magic. He may seem disinterested in others, and is if they have nothing of interest to say to him. He is not cold, just removed, but can be helpful, if not generous if he feels there is something to be gained or one is interested in things magical. He is quiet for the most part.