Far out in the Geyon deserts stands an outpost of all that is fine and extravagent. No roads lead to the resort, only a convergence of trails used by many races, both friendly and not. Here the prejudices and hates of the outside world are laid to rest. Cast over the inn is an enchantment that makes hostility impossible. All may safely live in harmony here, for as long as one can afford it. The cost is 100 gold pieces per night. A carnival spirit rules here all the time. Year around the party goes on.

The resort's name is Terfran's Mirage, after the owner and founder of the paradise. A glass dome some two hundred feet in diameter and one hundred feet high encompass the entire resort and its mineral pools for swimming or soaking and the many towers and buildings that make up the bazaar. The style of architecture is decidedly arabian, with towers topped with spiral onion tops of gold, brass, or colorful painted patterns. Many of the finer buildings are adorned with stained glass windows.

Other than the trails that lead to the "mirage," it is often spotted by adventurers in the area who can see a balloon suspended far above the inn. It is especially visible at night, due to the continual light spells cast on it by a powerful mage. By night it calls like a beacon to any withing sight.

Another reason for the popularity of the tavern is that it lies directly in the path of the slipstream, a powerful current of air that traverses the circumference of Jera. The powerful winds are felt from a thousand feet in the air up to 5000 feet. The path of this, the swiftest river of air, is well known to lighter-than-air aviators all over the globe.