
One last repository of technology exists in Jera. An island dubbed Futura by the few sailors that have ventured to the west of Jera into those deep and unpredictable seas. Great sea monsters rule this part of the seas as well as those surrounding the continent of Dietroch. Like most of the creatures of Asterland, they are leftovers from the radiation and wild magic that twisted the races and creatures of the world.

The people were really the only ones to survive the post-war holocaust with their society intact. The old culture is well preserved here, though much of it one can only find in museums. High technology is alive and well here.

Expansionist attitudes and war are unthought-of here. Justice is swift and certain. Peace is assured by the marshals that roam the streets with their weapons of destruction. Organized crime is snuffed quickly, as soon as it starts. Punishment for most crimes that do not fall into the catagory of infractions are punishable by death or banishment from the isle to Dietroch or Asterland.

The only magic allowed here is that sanctioned by the state or the arts of the cleric. There are state sanctioned visionaries that look back into the past and tell tales of distruction and the regrettable war between the elves and humans.

The cities of Futura (known by its citizens as Kon-ray in the old common tongue) escaped the radiation and wild magic of the Jeran ice age by erecting shields over them. These shields are transparent aluminum hardened by protective spells. The magic to keep these shields strong is probably the most powerful magic that the folk of Futura have.

The poople of Futura are very enlightened and psionically talented. They are especially adept at communicating telepathically from one to another, creating a sort of global chat arrangement, each having a voice and the knowledge of all freely given to all. It is this one-mindedness that has contributed in large part to the fact that these people feel no need for war or much for things of a material nature. Daydreams and high order thoughts alike can be tuned into. The boundaries between individual minds become blurred.

Asterland Map