The Genus Order


A major breakoff of the Freedom Society, the Genus Order, parted ways from the mother group in 1408 over a dispute regarding the overall purpose of the society. The group's founder, one Berez Hollian, a high ranking wizard from the research and development team of the Freedom Society, stated that "It is selfish folly to limit the duration of our mutations to that of the lifetime of a member. If the human race is to stay on top of the forces of evil, should we not pass to our children the gifts endowed upon us? Let us learn to pass on our heritage and responsibility to our children."

So stating, Berez initiated magical research into creating mutations that would alter not only a man's body, but his children would enjoy the same benefits.

Wizard Berez Hollian
Wizard Berez Hollian

Mixed Results

Some of the Order's early experiments went wrong, hideously wrong. Berez underestimated the body's resistance to change from one generation to another, resulting in the "Broken," people with defects that they passed on to their children and so on, worsening through the generation. Most of these were mercifully killed, or so the sentiment went at the time. Others escaped, many to the lands of chaos, where their deformities would not be looked upon with horror or repugnance.

Some that escaped the "mercy" of the Order stayed behind to avenge the deaths of the broken. The broken liken the Order to a good and pure well with but one drop of deadly poison dropped into it. Though the water be basically good, the small amount of toxin makes the whole undrinkable, so that the well ought to be filled with earth and forgotten.

In their quest for a pure and undefiled super race, bigotry has infested the order. Where once love and the commitment to principle drove the group exclusively, the group now harbors feelings of racism and superiority. Humans only may join the order, and only after proving their loyalty to the cause.

A particularly evil man, one Nefarus Redshield, secretly channels funds to various cutthroats and assasins to kill what he calls the "halfbreeds" in Grunburg, those of mixed race. The order has had loose ties with the magipunks from the time that they organized as a formal organization.

Wizard Berez Hollian
Modification Spell

Hiding in Plain Sight

The Genus Order's members wear cloaks at all times to hide the mutations that they might have. For ceremonies, they wear azure cloaks. "Honors" adorn the robes of the order, pins and medallions representing their level within the organization as well as rewards for deeds done in the service of the Order. Sandals cover their feet in all but the coldest weather to symbolize their nearness to the earth and how quickly one can return to it.

The symbol of their order features a depiction of a head of water bursting from a fortified tower's upper window. They rarely display it, since they seek to hide their association with The Genus Order only in cities where they do not hide in the shadows. Few cities openly accept them, and they are almost universally shunned in smaller towns.

Genus Order Cloak
Genus Order Cloak

Jinx Nolan - Leader of the Genus Order Rebellion

Jinx Nolan, one of the "Broken" heads the resistance against the group. The change he underwent did not show up until the birth of his first child. The poinious event changed his life. The little girl's face was severely deformed, so as not to be recognized as human. Her skin was a mass of festering painful boils. The child emerged from her mother's womb screaming, which she did until she died a few days later. Jinx could not let this happen to another living soul. Justice could not allow it.

Taking to the sewers to fight his battle, Jinx led commando strikes and terrorist activities aimed at the order, especially its leader. The Broken have poisoned food and water as it was on the way to being delivered to the Order's headquarters, an ornate keep in Grunburg. Many members died, and it is to this end that the Broken feel that they still have a purpose, to destroy the merciless march of the Genus Order. Members of the Broken clan wear the emblem of a fetus on the backdrop of a red drop of blood, a remin-der to them not to forget for whom they fight.

Jinx Nolan
Jinx Nolan

Temple of the Sacred Harvest - Hidden Genus Order Outpost

Though unknown to the people of the town of Soulford, the Temple of the Sacred Harvest located there is a base of operations for The Genus Order.

Galen Loveword is the head of the Temple of the Sacred Harvest in Soulford, and an archbishop of the Genus Order.

Dock Entrance to the Temple