Cardinal Grigg
ST 18/00 A.C. -2
DX 15 Class:Fighter/Priest (necromancer)
CO 18 Level: 15 / 9
WI 17 H.P.: 84
IN 13 Magic Resistance: 15%
CH 14

Cardinal Grigg is a very tough opponent! He is ambidextrous with the Bastard Sword, and attacks using one in each hand. He is fearless in battle, having an extreme willpower that lets him fight to -5 before going unconscious. He is a specialized bowman and will often use called shots to a part of the body which is unprotected. He has a ring of teleportation, which he will use if in trouble. He has a strength bow which gives him +5 damage. It is good if he can be avoided altogether.

He will most often be found drilling troops or working out/ training. He is very disciplined. He wears yellow and black plate mail.

Cardinal Grigg has done extensive research into the negative material plane and its effects on those in the prime material plane. He can control undead at 80%. He has an attack, as an undead, of touch which drains 1d4 strength points. These can either be temporary or permanent, depending on the gamemaster. This is especially effective against characters with very high strengths, as it tends to erase their strength damage bonuses. Thus, a fighter with an 18/00 strength that gets +7 on damage can easily drop to no damage bonus.