One of the more recent hot topics under development at Grunburg is a portal that could link two cities with teleportation between. You could step through a door in Grunburg's city square and in seconds find yourself in Alexander none the worse for wear other than a slightly upset stomach, which many tend to get riding the express rail between the two cities anyway.

While the enchantments necessary to pull off this feat are not yet perfected, it is close enough on the horizon that the city councils of Grunburg, Geyon, Trondheim, and Alexander already debate who should pay for the service, especially the research that has been done so far as well as the maintenance of the portals. Alexander wants to impose trade restrictions on certain products, while Geyon finds any restrictions to trade unacceptable in any form. Trondheim, where most magimotive vehicles are made, also holds these views.

The company that owns the intellectual property concerning opening teleport portals is Freyelse's Grove Company, made up of high level elven wizards that got together to share talent and earn obscene money. The five mages that make up the company have done jobs ranging from large scale beautification of buildings to archemage work. Their combined talent and diversity of their backgrounds give them a large advantage in doing research over a lone magician. With their staff of less experienced mages, they can carry out research on a grand scale.

Unknown to the outside world, the actual research for the project is done. Within the company's headquarters are portals to each wizard's home that function perfectly. They wait to see who will pay their fee. Until then, they bait the public with the promise that the danger and inconvenience of long distance travel will be a thing of the past. The roads between Grunburg and Alexander still have enough roadmen on them to make most travellers wary. Travel by rail still costs too much for the average citizen to easily afford, though the safety record of the railways are unequalled. For the megarich, airships can make the trip in under four hours, including a stop at customs in Alexander.

The portals are now done and have been perfected. They are now used in store fronts and for military applications. They have become fairly cheap over an unbelievably short amount of time.