"Spice" - Drugs in Asterland

What is Spice?

Spice is a catch-all term for a multitude of drugs that are becoming increasingly popular in Asterland. These pharmaceuticals include hush, spore, burn, and rush, all of which have unique characteristics and effects on the body. Spice has had a major impact upon Asterland, causing addiction, crime, and other social ills. The government has taken steps to reduce spice use and availability, but the problem persists.

"The spice problem in Asterland is an urgent matter that requires immediate attention. Spice usage is running rampant in our communities, causing addiction, mental health issues, and societal disintegration. It's a problem that impacts every facet of our society, from families ripped apart by addiction to businesses dealing with an increasingly unmotivated workforce. The government must act now to combat the use and distribution of spice, safeguard our citizens' health and well-being, and preserve our nation's future prosperity. The stakes are high, and inaction has serious repercussions. We can't afford to wait any longer. The hour for action has arrived!"
-Celeste Starborn, Grunburg Council

Spice Drug Use in Asterland
Many types of Spice plague Asterland

Impact of Spice on Asterland

The use of spice has devastated many communities, especially those in poverty-stricken areas. Spice is highly addictive and can lead to severe physical and mental health issues. Spice users often become socially isolated, neglect personal hygiene, and experience mood swings, paranoia, and aggression.

It is of critical importance to address the spice crisis in Asterland to prevent further harm to individuals and the society at large.

The drug trade has resulted in devastating and far-reaching consequences. The spread of drugs, especially the powerful psychedelic "rush," has resulted in an increase of addiction, crime, and social deterioration. The drug trade has also been a major source of revenue for organized crime, resulting in the concentration of power in the hands of criminal groups and the corruption of law enforcement authorities.

Since drugs are generally available, there has been a surge in addiction. This results in an increase in criminal behavior as addicts resort to theft and other crimes to fund their habit. This places a significant burden on law enforcement, which must divert resources away from other critical concerns in order to tackle drug-related crime.

Spice has had a significant impact on the lives of the citizens of Asterland, with serious consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

The following are some of the key impacts of spice:

  • Health effects: Spice use has been linked to a range of negative health effects. These include addiction, respiratory problems, hallucinations, seizures, and even death. The use of burn is especially dangerous. It can risk significant damage to the lungs and other organs.
  • Social effects: The use of spice has had a significant impact on social structures and relationships within Asterland. Many users of spice have become isolated from their families and friends, and some have even turned to crime to support their addiction.
  • Economic effects: The production and distribution of spice have led to a black market in Asterland, which is a significant drain on the country's economy. The production of spore, for example, diverts resources away from other industries and can damage the reputation of Asterland as a reliable trading partner.
  • Political effects: The spread of spice has created a significant challenge for the government of Asterland, which is struggling to control its use and distribution. This has led to tension between different political factions and has the potential to destabilize the country.

Types, Uses, and Effects of Spice

Spice is a generic term for a group of drugs that have found their way into Asterland. The most common forms of spice include hush, spore, burn, and rush. Each type of spice has its own unique effects on the body and mind.


Hush is a type of spice that is smoked. It is made from a plant that grows wild in many parts of Kirschwald Forest. Locals use it to make durable fabrics and rope. When smoked, hush induces a calming effect that can last for several hours. Hush is considered one of the least harmful forms of spice.


Spore is a type of spice that comes in the form of mushrooms. The mushrooms are scraped to remove the dots, which are then dried and inhaled or smoked. Spore induces a hallucinogenic high that can last for several hours. The main users of spore are punkers, and it is mostly grown and used in smaller towns and hobbit villages.


Burn is a narcotic produced by refining a mineral ore found in the lands of chaos. It is the newest type of spice available and is popular among the upper-class merchants of Grunburg. Burn enhances creativity and provides an effective pick-me-up that allows users to get more done and be open to new ideas.


Rush is the most intense form of spice and is used by members of the Clan of the Rose. It comes from off-world and is extremely rare and expensive. Rush induces a hallucinogenic high that is highly addictive. Usually, the first usage of rush will addict the victim for life. It is unknown to law agencies in Asterland, and its source is a mystery.

Spice Manufacture
An Alchemist making Spice

How Is Government Attempting to Stop the Flow of Spice?

Reducing Availability

Here are some steps the Asterland authorities are taking to decrease the accessibility of spice:

  • Enhanced law enforcement efforts: Local governments provide additional resources to law enforcement agencies in order to crack down on spice production and distribution. Increased patrols, undercover operations, and raids on known drug dens are all a part of this effort.
  • Increased penalties for drug offenses: Law enforcement increased the penalties for those caught selling or trafficking spice, including the enactment of minimum sentences for spice-related offenses. They imposed longer jail terms, greater fines, and harsher punishments for dealers and those found using the narcotic.
  • Targeting the source:The federal government has prioritized targeting the source of the spice trade. They collaborate with neighboring countries to eliminate drug trafficking by increasing border control efforts and cracking down on corruption within law enforcement agencies.
  • Public awareness campaigns: Many local governments have launched public awareness campaigns to educate citizens about the dangers of spice and its negative impact on society in the hopes of a more informed and responsible population that can resist the temptation of spice and who will report any illegal activity to law enforcement. This includes specific messaging in schools, community centers, and other public places.
  • Treatment and rehabilitation programs: The government has invested in treatment and rehabilitation programs to assist those suffering from spice addiction. This includes providing counseling, therapy, and other services and support to users in order to assist them in overcoming their addiction.
  • International collaboration: Asterland's government collaborates with neighboring countries and international organizations to reduce spice production and trafficking, especially the elven nation. This includes exchanging intelligence, coordinating law enforcement activities, and enacting unified laws and legislation to minimize the drug's availability.

Reducing Demand for Spice

Asterland's administration has taken drastic steps to curb its people's craving for spice. This includes education campaigns that warn of the dangers and life-destroying consequences of using spice in newspapers, posters, billboards, and other forms of media. Many local governments partner with religious leaders and community organizations to raise awareness about the dangers of spice and to promote a spice-free lifestyle.

The federal government is implementing a comprehensive approach to spice. By focusing on both reducing the drug supply and addressing the root causes of drug addiction, they aspire to create a safer and healthier environment for its citizens.

Ultimately, addressing the issue of spice in Asterland will require a multi-faceted approach that combines law enforcement, education, treatment, and international cooperation. To eliminate the scourge of drugs will require a sustained long-term commitment by governments, religion, and society as a whole to address the root causes of drug addiction and to create a safer and healthier community for everyone.

"Look, I'm not trying to take away anyone's fun, but spice destroys lives! I'm not going to let my town decay into a den of thieves and drug zombies. We have eyes everywhere. If you're a dealer, I will catch you."
-Special Agent Orden Whitescale, Trondheim Police Department

Organized Crime and Spice

Drug smugglers known simply as "hightailers" can amass small fortunes in no time. Crime bosses acquire wealth that the common man couldn't even dream of. Small empires of organized crime poison most of the larger cities of Asterland. Payoffs to leadership officials and bribes given to officers of the law allow the operations to run smoothly with little intervention from the law.

The hightailers gained a sample of an extremely potent hallucinogen in 1399 from a spelljamming alchemist belonging to the Clan of the Rose, who are some of the most twisted brigands to ravage their way through the stars. Named simply "rush," the drug can put one out for hours at a time in a state of extreme pleasure, bordering on pain. One dose usually makes one an addict for life. All other pleasures in life are so overshadowed by the single experience that junkies will do any act, no matter how hideous, to obtain another high from the substance.

From the sample, the drugrunners produced mass quantities. An unknown alchemist researched and developed a simple spell to duplicate the substance. Similar spells could make spice as well, though the profit margin only slightly excelled over the cost of shipping it from the lands of chaos. Possession of the new drug became the new symbol of power and influence among the world of crime. A crime boss could maintain complete control over their underlings as long as a promise of rush dangled over their heads.

Magipunks and Spice

Most of the punkers both use and sell spice. They are the main source of both hush and spore. They are fairly open about their use of it.

Many law enforcers dare not confront the more powerful spice dealers for fear of being discovered quite dead with no explaination. This fear has its roots in the disappearance of several of the first town council members in Grunburg to speak out against the use and sale of spice, which led to laws banning it. Usually one can find spice only where there are punkers or in towns where their growers live. A player would be well-advised to steer clear of these places and keep their noses to themselves as far as punks are concerned.

"Listen, chum. Nobody is going to tell me what I can and can't do with my body. If I may or may not use hush from time to time, who does that hurt? By the way, if you need any, let me know."
-Derris Mont, Magipunk