Chocobo HD: 2 + 2 AC: 6 Thac0: 18 MR: 24 #attacks: 1 Dmg\attack: d8\d8 Sp. Attack: none Sp. Defense: none Intelligence: semi (2) Morale: average (8-10) Alignment: N Magic Resistance: none Chocobos are an unusual type of creature found through much of Noram and several other countries. Physically its a large animal (about 8' tall at the top of the head and around 500 lbs.) and physically resembles an ostrich but much more muscular and beefier. The head is somewhat different in that its beak is much heavier and sharper as well the feathers of a chocobo is usually one color completely (the feathers also cover the neck and the feathers on the head goes straight back to a point like a punk rocker). As you can see there a number of things in common between the ostrich and chocobo and many scholars and scientists believe the chocobo might be a genetically engineered descendant of the ostrich (which is exstinct by 3509). There are three varieties depending on the enviroment found in: Plains, Tundra, and Desert Chocobos. Plains chocobo are known to exist in a variety of different temperate enviroments but namely plains and forests. Males have yellow feathers while females have full white. Tundra chocobos are native to lands known for harsh winters and cold climates such as the wastelands, where they flourish both in the wilds and as mounts. Males have dark blue feathers while females have skyblue. Desert chocobos were bread for the intense heat of the desert wastes such as those found in figaro, Arslan, and the sahara of africa. The males tend to have a light gray feathers while females have almost pure white feathers. Combat: Chocobos are mostly timid peaceful animals but they can fight off predators quite well by using its sharp beak. They usually will not attack anything unless provoked- this includes humans and humanoids. Habitat: Chocobos live an number of different roles in ecology, namely as either food for predators and mounts for humans. In the wild, they gather in flocks of 3-30 members (3d10). Ecology: interestingly the chocobo can serve many roles to both humanity and the wild itself. It is an source of food for wild predators while humans have domesicated them for mounts and wagon drivers much like they have with humans. In some areas of the world, Chocobo is a delicacy and can feed a whole family of 10 for a month. Note that chocobo tastes like chicken. Used as mounts, chocobos can carry as much as medium warhorse.