Punks are into whatever is fast, flashy, and gives them the best "ride" in life. They very much personify "style over substance." They are very much into city life. Their time is the night. They are the ones that break the mold in magipunk Jera, but often the ones that make it as well. They take danger headon and beg for more. They are the defeatists that see the world as corrupt and a day away from destruction as well as those that see the future as a promising world of advances. Whichever extreme they come from, they live in the now and live for the minute. Those with the foresight to see how their actions can shape the future lead those that just want to live for the next thrill and learn the newest magitech secret.

This is not to say that the punks live only to party. They come from backgrounds of higher learning and the opportunities that money can buy. The archetype magipunk comes from a wealthy family. They studied in Grunburg University, where the movement started, though more and more universities have left behind their anti-tech dogmas. Among these, the most prominent is Geyon University, with its volumagic department devoted to the industrialization of magic.

This fast-paced lifestyle influences their way of doing things, exemplified in their mode of self-expression in the form of dress. The clothes they wear often sacrifice utility or comfort for style. Those that embody both are the fashion gurus that can charge pretty much whatever they want. The bulging purses of the punks make attractive targets for merchants of all kinds, but particularly those dealing in the latest styles, which emerge from Grunburg to the rest of Asterland almost on a weekly basis. Fashion fads can come and go in a matter of a few weeks to a few months. Those with the cash to keep up with the changes wow the crowds and assure themselves a place in the society of the magipunk.

Some of the fashions that never seem to go away are those that carry the strongest negative stereotypes. Tattoos are very popular among the punks, from the simple symbols that mark one as different to the magically enhanced skin colorations that move, glow, or both. Some are entire scenes that change as you watch, others simple animations such as a tear flowing down a cheek or an exploding heart. In short, if it evokes attention, the punks will do it. The Tattoo department in the "MOD Shop" chain of stores that cater to the punkers and those that are just generally too hip for their own good.

Another trend that sees endless seasons is odd hair color. The more straightforward may choose jet black or bright red. Those that truly are starved for attention may choose multicolored hair, enchantments to make it glow, or radical haircuts. These include spikey, stand-up cuts as well as the truly unusual where part or all of the hair is shaved or cropped very short.

There are few ways to shake up the conservative than body piercing. This goes for either sex equally. Earrings, nose rings, and more exotic pierced jewery adorns the punk. See the Body Piercing Department at a MOD Shop near you.

Others use outlandish makeup, often downright clownish, to stand out. They range from bright eyeshadow or blush to the freakish and twisted. One can often tell the clan they belong to by the makeup they wear. Those encountered with plain white makeup are members of the Illuminated sect, though they will often incorporate a simple symbol of their clan as well.

Some of the clothing actually serves a function as well. A favorite among tekkies are pants with pockets that are actually portable holes, to store anything from chemicals (explosions in pocket dimensions won't blow your leg off) to weapons smuggling, to spice running. Tekkies also love the use of razor-sharp claws/fingernails.

The most sought after fashion statements of all are those endowing one with power. From the cloak of invisibility to the helms of teleportation, items of power are the fashions that truly never go out of style. If one can make them look cool, that's great. If not, the power to do what you want is where it's all at for a punker.